Invested with the Spirit – Tested by the Spirit
Alan Redpath wrote in his book Victorious Christian Living, “Only a man filled with the Spirit of God, who is in fire for God and who is living in New Testament experience of a holy life, can ever match the challenge of this age.” That’s so true even Jesus modelled that in His life. He was invested with the Spirit and it also came upon Jesus at His baptism before He launched out into public ministry (Luke 3:21-22). While Jesus did not require a spiritual second birth, He still modelled for us our need for investment with the Spirit. We must be sealed or indwelled with the Holy Spirit,and be born again (John 3; 2 Cor. 1:22; Eph.1:13). We must be invested with the empowerment of the Spirit (Acts 1:4-5 and 8) and this is how we equip for action.
Once invested , Jesus was, “led by the Spirit into the wilderness” where He was tested (Luke 4:1). When a person enlists in the military, regardless of branch, they are required to go through boot camp. In boot camp the flabby recruit is made hard and ready for battle. Similarly, those who desire to serve the Lord and experience His fullness are led by the Spirit through a wilderness. In the wilderness we learn to trust our Commander, obey His commands, depend on Him for provisions, and learn His holy protocols for the spiritual battles that lay ahead. In the wilderness, we build spiritual muscles.
Spiritual growth is a product of testing. Everyone born of the Spirit needs to grow and develop just like a newborn babe. Now just like how a baby learns to walk by falling many times and making many mistakes , us too in our christian lives are met with a lot of falls and challenges. But when you are met with it “Count it all joy” (James 1:2f.). Trials are God’s means to make us spiritually strong, demonstrate His mighty power and learn the sufficiency of His grace (2 Cor. 12:9-10).
Some falsely teach that when you come to Christ you have no more difficulties. But even Spirit filled believers go through multiple trials . Look at Jesus, the apostles and the early Church. The hard truth is, in this world you will have tribulation. The reason why you have them is because it creates an environment to appreciate God’s work better and in that process you learn to be content and of good cheer. (John 16:33). Some trials are not only allowed by God, but are from God. So through these lessons on wilderness God can bring, “us out to rich fulfillment” (Psalm 66:10-12).
So the question I would like for all of you to ponder is this. Are you invested with the Spirit? Are you being tested? Because if you are , do not fear , it’s all part of God’s sovereign plans to teach you that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans: 8:28).
Seek His investment. Submit to His testing. Pray through it all.